The automotive industry is keeping up with innovation by utilizing advanced technical ceramics to generate performance-improving changes in both its production processes and the specific components of new-generation vehicles.
What advantages do technical ceramics have for the automotive industry?
Ceramic parts in the auto industry reduce the wear and tear on the details, making both the manufacturing processes and the ceramic parts last longer and easier to make again and again.
Technical ceramics can withstand direct chemical contact and high temperatures, making them ideal for applications where corrosion and thermal shock pose a challenge for different types of steel. Ceramics are the best way to make sure that the quality of industrial processes stays high as parts are treated more and more precisely.
Ceramic materials are not electrically conductive, making them ideal for applications in electronics where it is essential to maintain precise values. They have a low thermal conduction coefficient, allowing technical ceramics to be used as a temperature insulators while retaining all of their other properties.