An established method for bonding ceramics, brazing is a liquid phase procedure that works especially well for creating joints and seals. Components used in the electronics and automotive industries, for example, can easily be mass-produced using the brazing technique.
Alumina is a good material for ball valves, piston pumps, and deep drawing tools because of its high hardness and good resistance to wear. Additionally, brazing and metalizing processes make it simple to combine with metals and other ceramic materials.
Sababo la xiriira guryaheeda u gaarka ah, SIC waa shey aad loo jecel yahay oo loogu talagalay codsiyada awooda sare ee u baahan heerkul sare, oo hadda jira, iyo jid-heer sare ah.Sic ayaa u soo muuqday awood weyn oo ku saabsan ganacsiga Semiconductor, oo ay siiso awood qaybaha awooda, diodes schotky diodes, iyo mowduucyada loo isticmaalo wax-ku-ool ah, codsiyada awooda sare.Intaa waxaa sii dheer, SIC waxay xamili kartaa isdaba-joogga sare ee isdaba joogga