Kei a WINTRUSTEK tetahi roopu ngaio me te ngakau nui mo o taatau kaihoko, hei awhina i a koe ki te rapu i te otinga tino pai.
Xiamen Wintrustek Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Ko WINTRUSTEK te kaihanga nui i roto i nga taonga hangarau mai i te tau 2014. I roto i nga tau kua whakapau kaha matou ki te rangahau, te hoahoa, te whakaputa me te hokohoko ma te whakarato i te whānuitanga o nga otinga uku mo nga umanga e tono ana i nga mahi tino pai ki te hinga i nga tikanga mahi tino nui.
Kei roto i a maatau taonga:- Aluminium Oxide - Zirconium Oxide - Beryllium Oxide- Aluminum Nitride- Boron Nitride- Silicon Nitride- Silicon Carbide- Boron Carbide- Macor.Ko o taatau kaihoko te whiriwhiri ki te mahi tahi me matou i runga i o maatau hangarau matua, mahi, me te pono ki te nga ahumahi e mahi ana matou.Ko te kaupapa mo te wa roa a Wintrustek ko te whakapai ake i nga mahi o nga rauemi matatau i te wa e mau tonu ana to maatau aro ki te pai o nga kaihoko ma te whakarato i nga hua o te kounga teitei me te ratonga akomanga tuatahi.
Ceramic powder is made up of ceramic particles and additives that make it easier to use for making components. A binding agent is used to keep the powder together after compaction, while a release agent makes it possible to remove a compacted component from the compaction die with ease.
Porous ceramics are a group of highly reticulated ceramic materials that can take the form of a variety of structures, including foams, honeycombs, connected rods, fibers, hollow spheres, or interconnecting rods and fibers.
Hot-pressed aluminum nitride ceramic is utilized in semiconductor industry that requires strong electrical resistance, high flexural strength as well as excellent thermal conductivity.
The 99.6% Alumina's high purity and smaller grain size enable it to be more smooth with fewer surface flaws and to have a surface roughness of less than 1u-in. 99.6% Alumina has great electrical insulation, low thermal conductivity, high mechanical strength, outstanding dielectric characteristics, and good resistance to corrosion and wear.
He maha nga taonga whaihua a Zirconium oxide e tika ana mo nga momo kaupapa puta noa i nga umanga maha. Ko te hangahanga zirconia me nga tikanga maimoatanga ka taea e te kamupene whakarewa zirconia werohanga ki te whakarereke i ona ahuatanga kia pai ai nga whakaritenga me nga hiahia o te tini o nga kaihoko me nga tono rereke.