Ceramic powder is made up of ceramic particles and additives that make it easier to use for making components. A binding agent is used to keep the powder together after compaction, while a release agent makes it possible to remove a compacted component from the compaction die with ease.
Porous ceramics are a group of highly reticulated ceramic materials that can take the form of a variety of structures, including foams, honeycombs, connected rods, fibers, hollow spheres, or interconnecting rods and fibers.
Hot-pressed aluminum nitride ceramic is utilized in semiconductor industry that requires strong electrical resistance, high flexural strength as well as excellent thermal conductivity.
The 99.6% Alumina's high purity and smaller grain size enable it to be more smooth with fewer surface flaws and to have a surface roughness of less than 1u-in. 99.6% Alumina has great electrical insulation, low thermal conductivity, high mechanical strength, outstanding dielectric characteristics, and good resistance to corrosion and wear.
Zirconium oksida ngagaduhan seueur sipat mangpaat anu ngajantenkeun cocog pikeun sagala rupa kaperluan di seueur industri. Prosés manufaktur jeung perlakuan zirconia salajengna ngamungkinkeun hiji parusahaan suntik molding zirconia ngaropea ciri na pikeun nyocogkeun ka sarat jeung kabutuhan husus tina rupa-rupa klien tur aplikasi béda.
Sanajan alumina utamana dipikawanoh pikeun pamakéan na dina produksi aluminium, eta oge nahan pentingna signifikan dina loba widang keramik. Éta mangrupikeun bahan anu cocog pikeun aplikasi ieu kusabab titik leburna anu luhur, sipat termal sareng mékanis anu luar biasa, sipat insulasi, résistansi ngagem, sareng biokompatibilitas.
Substrat keramik mangrupikeun bahan anu biasa dianggo dina modul kakuatan. Aranjeunna gaduh ciri mékanis, listrik, sareng termal khusus anu ngajantenkeun aranjeunna sampurna pikeun aplikasi éléktronika kakuatan paménta tinggi.
Bal keramik nawiskeun ciri kinerja anu luar biasa pikeun aplikasi anu kakeunaan bahan kimia parah atanapi kaayaan anu suhuna luhur pisan. Dina aplikasi sapertos pompa kimia sareng rod bor, dimana bahan tradisional gagal, bal keramik nawiskeun umur anu berkepanjangan, turunna ngagem, sareng kinerja anu tiasa ditampi.